Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kettlebell Fitness LLC in the NEWS!!!!

We are so proud of all our clients hard work and training, 2012 is really starting off strong at KettlebellFitness. Our amazing Wellness and Fitness programs were covered on a front page story in the Danbury News Times this past Sunday! Check it out!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thinking outside the box; that can be really scary or really exciting. Get past the scary, the fear of the unknown Try something different. Get inspired and let it be exciting! Let KettlebellFitnessLLC inspire you to break out of your box and find that inner strength to push yourself to do things you never thought you could. Visit our web site at or email to see how you can get started!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Set-backs…it happens to the best of us. Those moments where something happens to disrupt that great training routine. No worries, the best part is you can pick up where you left off. Get yourself back to training. It may not make problems go away but it definitely puts everything back in perspective. Training not only conditions your body but it conditions your mind. When you feel strong, you are more confident and you realize you can overcome almost anything. Get in touch with your inner strength! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Staying Focused

Sometimes when there’s so much going on in your life and clouded with thoughts and emotions, it’s sometimes difficult to stay focused. Those thoughts become a negative force that over power the best of us. Whether it’ a relationship, work situation, or one of the many other personal things that go on in our life, it seems that your mind and your heart can sometimes be at odds with each other. One of the ways I’ve found to turn those internal battles around is a kick-butt workout. Those negative thoughts just come streaming out and all of a sudden you realize that you are a powerful person! You are strong in both body and mind! The advantage of working out with a Personal Trainer or Fitness Coach is, they get to really know you and know when and how much to push you. The most valuable thing training has taught me is that I can get through anything. Visualize the move...Move your body though the sequence and see yourself execute the move…then with that same focus, breathe, and…you did it!! You just completed and accomplished what you set out to do! The same hold true in your daily life. When the situation is tough, visualize what you need to do to get though it, breathe and your focus becomes clear again. Then to make it all better, go for an awesome workout!!