Lately, I hear more and more people blame age as the cause of aches or pains. Or have you ever heard someone say “I can’t do that, I’m too old.” Maybe you’ve said it yourself. Since when does a certain age become a cut off for being and feeling fit and youthful or not being able to do something? My answer to anyone that says it’s because they’re too old is…age has nothing to do with it! Helen Hays said it best, “If you rest, you rust”. Age is a number not a determination of what you can or cannot accomplish. In the majority of cases, the aches and pains are due to inactivity. We know all too well that illness and tragic events can strike at any age. So, why waste each day allowing yourself to be idle. Take each day as a new start and do something active. You can certainly use your age as an excuse not to do something when in reality it might be fear keeping you from experiencing something unfamiliar to you. There are people of all ages who have had serious obstacles thrown into their lives but have been able to dig deep enough to find the courage and a way to rise above any barrier that would keep them from reaching their goal. Having the encouragement from family or friends to give you the positive reinforcement to succeed is a good thing and can definitely help. But even if you’re on your own, you can find the strength to overcome any adversity. Let go of the stress of negativity and drama. Find that one thing that gives you the drive and self-motivation to start or continue whatever it is you want to accomplish. The support from a personal trainer or other mentor, will give you the tools you need to stand strong on your own.
Every age, whether you’re a 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60+ something, has its own unique quality. The advantage of age is using all your experiences as stepping stones to finding what truly makes you happy. Be positive and confident and let go of the age barrier that might be keeping you from something extraordinary. Be true to yourself. Get to know and accept people for who they truly are at any age. Get out and try something new and have some fun!
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